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Inovasi & Teknologi

AAEHRD         :      Agency for Agricultural Extension and Human Resource Development
ACT                 :     Agricultural Training Centre
ADB                :    Asian Development Bank
ADF                :    Asian Development Fund
AFS                 :      Audited Financial Statements
AKNOP          :      Angka Kebutuhan Nyata Operasi & Pemeliharaan  (Cost Needs for Operations and Maintenance)
AMDAL          :      Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan  (Environmental Impact Assessment)
APBD             :      Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (Regional Revenue and Budget)
APBN             :      Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (National Revenue and Budget)
APFS              :      Annual Project Financial Statement
AWP               :      Annual Work Plan
BAKORLU      :      Provincial Extension Agency
BANGDA       :      Directorate General for Regional Development
BAPPEDA      :      Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah  (Provincial / District Development Planning Agency)
BAPPENAS    :      Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional  (National Development Planning Agency)
BBI                  :      Balai Benih Induk (Rice Seed Agency)
BBWS             :      Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (River Basin Organization)
BAPELUH       :      District Extension Office
BI                    :      Bank Indonesia
BP3K               :      Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan Kehutanan (Subdistrict Extension Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry)
BPD                :      Bank Pembangunan Daerah (Public Regional Development Bank)
BPK                :      Badan Pengawas Keuangan (Financial Monitoring Agency / State Auditor)
BP3K              :      Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan Kehutanan (Extension Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry)
BPPSDMP     :      Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian (Agency for Agricultural Extension and Human Resource Development)
BPR               :      Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (People’s Rural Bank)
BPS               :      Badan Pusat Statistik (National Centre for Statistics)
BPSB            :      Badan Pengawasan dan Setifikasi Benih (BPSB)  (Agency for Seed Monitoring, Control and Certification)
BPTP             :      Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (Agency for Agricultural Technology Assessment)
BMT              :      Baitul Maalwat Tamwil
BWS              :      Balai Wilayah Sungai (River Basin Organization)
CBFO            :      Community Based Financial Organisation
CIPP              :      Context, Input, Process, Product
CPE               :      Country Programme Evaluation
CQS              :      Consultant Qualification Selection
DAK              :      Dana Alokasi Khusus (Special Fund Allocations for Supplemental Budgets)
DD                :      Due Diligence
DED              :      Detailed Engineering Designs
DEKON        :      Dana Dekonsentrasi (Funds for GOI De-concentration Policy)
DFS              :      Digital Financial Services
DGFB           :      Directorate General of Fiscal Balance
DGHR           :      Directorate General Human Resources
DGRD          :      Directorate General of Regional Development
DGWR         :      Directorate General of Water Resources
DI                 :      Daerah Irigasi (Irrigation Scheme)
DILL             :      Directorate of Irrigation and Low Land
DIS               :      Directorate of Irrigation and Swamps
DMF             :      Design and Monitoring Framework
DoIS             :      Directorate of Irrigation and Swamps
DOM            :      Directorate of Operation and Maintenance
DPMU          :      District Project Management Unit
DPP              :      Directorate of Planning and Programming
DPRD           :      Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Regional Parliament)
DSPEF          :      Directorate of Spatial Planning and Environmental Facilitation
DWRI            :      Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation
EA                 :      Executing Agency
EARF             :      Environmental Assessment and Review Framework
EIA                :      Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP              :      Environmental Management Plan
EOI               :      Expression of Interest
ESMS           :      Environmental and Social Management System
FFS               :      Farmer Field Schools
FI                  :      Financial Institution
FMA             :      Financial Management Assessment
FSP               :      Financial Service Provider
F-1                :      First Generation Hybrid
F-2                :      Second Generation Hybrid
F-3                :      Third Generation Hybrid
F-4                :      Fourth Generation Hybrid
GACAP        :      Governance and Anticorruption Action Plan
GDP             :       Gross Domestic Product
GOI              :      Government of Indonesia
HPP              :      Harga Pokok Produksi (Government Basic Commodity Purchasing Price)
HVC             :      High Value Crop
HYV             :      High Yield Varieties
IA                 :      Implementing Agency
ICB              :      International Competitive Bidding
ICRR            :      Indonesian Center for Rice Research/Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi
IDR              :      Indonesian Rupiah
IED              :      Independent Evaluation Department
IEE               :      Initial Environmental Examination
IFAD            :      International Fund for Agricultural Development
ILS               :      Innovation, Learning and Scaling-up
IME              :      Independent Monitoring and Evaluation
IMP              :      Irrigation Management Plan
IMRP            :      Irrigation Management Reform Program
IOB              :      Operations Evaluation Department
IP                 :      Indigenous People
IPDMIP        :      Integrated Participatory Development and Management of Irrigation Sector Project
IPM              :      Integrated Pest Management
IPP               :      Indigenous People Plan
IPPF             :      Indigenous People Planning Framework
IR                 :      Involuntary Resettlement
IRRI              :      International Rice Research Institute
IT                 :      Information Technology
JICA            :      Japan International Cooperation Agency
KMC            :      Knowledge Management Centre
KOMIR        :      Irrigation Commission
KPIU            :      Kapubaten (District) Project Implementation Unit
KPKN          :      Kantor Pembendaharaan dan Kas Negara (National Treasury)
KPPN          :      Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (National Treasury, Regional Office)
KPS             :      Koperasi Pinjam Simpan (Savings and Loan Cooperative)
KS                :      Knowledge Sharing
KSO             :      Kerja Sama Operasional (Operational Collaboration)
LARP            :      Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
LKM-A         :      Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Agribisnis (Agricultural Micro Finance Institution)
M&E            :      Monitoring and Evaluation
MFI              :      Micro Finance Institution
MoA            :      Ministry of Agriculture
MoF             :      Ministry of Finance
MOHA         :      Ministry of Home Affairs
MPWH         :      Ministry of Public Works and Housing
NCB             :      National Competitive Bidding
MFI               :      Micro Finance Institution
MP3EI          :      Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development
MP3KI          :      Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Poverty Reduction
MSME          :      Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
MSP              :      Multi Stakeholder Platform
NSC              :      National Steering Committee
NGO            :      Non Government Organization
NPIU            :      National Project Implementation Unit
NPMU          :      National Project Management Unit
NSCIA          :      National Steering Committee for Irrigated Agriculture
NSCWR       :      National Steering Committee on Water Resources
NTT             :      East Nusa Tenggara
OGA            :      On-Granting Agreement
OJK             :      Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
O&M           :      Operation and Maintenance
OWP           :      Overall Work Plan
OWPB        :      Overall Work Plan and Budget
PAI              :      Pengololaan Aset Irigasi (Irrigation Asset Management)
PAM            :      Project Administration Manual
PCA            :      Procurement Capacity Assessment
PCSS          :      Procurement Contract Summary Sheet
PERDA       :      Peraturan Daerah (Regional Government Regulations)
PTGA         :      Proyek Tata Guna Air (Water Use Project)
PPMS         :      Project Performance Management System
PPTGA        :      Water Management Knowledge and Training Centres
PIC               :      Project Implementation Consultant
PISP             :      Participatory Irrigation Support Project
PIU               :      Project Implementation Unit
PMC             :      Project Management Consultant
PPL               :      Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan (Field Extension Worker)
PPP               :      Public Private Partnership
PPIU              :      Provincial Project Implementation Unit
PPMS            :      Project Performance Management System
PPMU           :      Provincial Project Management Unit
PPSIP            :      Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Sistem Irigasi Partisipatif  (Participatory Irrigation System Development and Management)
PPTA            :      Project Preparation Technical Assistance
PT                :      Perseroan Terbatas (Limited Liability Company)
PUPR            :      Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (Ministry of Public Works and Housing)
PWH             :      Public Works and Housing
QBS              :      Quality Based Selection
QCBS            :      Quality and Cost Based Selection
R&D              :      Research and Development
RBO              :      River Basin Organization
READ            :      Rural Employment and Agricultural Development Project
RFC               :      Rural Finance Consultant
RRP               :      Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board
RP21             :      Rencana Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Irigasi (District Irrigation Development and Management Plan)
RPJMN        :      Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (Medium Term of National Development Plan)
RPS              :      Rencana Pembangunan Sarana (Infrastructure Development Plan)
RPRJPN       :      Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (Long Term of National Development Plan)
RSPK            :      Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pertanian (Strategic Plan of Ministry of Agriculture)
RSPU            :      Rencana Strategis Pekerjaan Umum (Strategic Plan of Public Works)
SAI               :      Supreme Audit Institution
SBD              :      Standard Bidding Documents
SDA              :      Sumber Daya Air (Water Resources)
SGIA             :      Second Generation Imprest Accounts
S&LG            :      Savings and Loan Group
SOE              :      Statement of Expenditure
SOP              :      Standard Operating Practices
SPS              :      Safeguard Policy Statement
SPRSS          :      Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy
SSR              :      Sub-Project Summary Report
TOR             :      Terms of Reference
TPM             :      Tenaga Pendamping Masyarakat (Village Facilitator)
UKL/UPL      :      Environmental management/monitoring measures
UPSUS          :      Upaya Khusus Swasembada Pangan  (Specific Effort for Food Self Sufficiency)
UU                :      Undang-Undang (National Law)
US$              :      United States Dollar
VC                :      Value Chain
VCF              :      Value Chain Fund
WISMP         :      Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management Project
WUA            :      Water User Association
WUAF          :      Water User Association Federation

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